Choose a package

  • Business ~ Essential Exposure
    • Business name
    • Business logo
    • Description about your business
    • Address with google map location
    • Contact Info
    • Link to your website
    • Listing categories
    • Region
    • Additional features such as pet friendly and more
    • Hours of operation
    • Cover image
    • Gallery images
    • Video
    • Social links
    • Collect reviews & ratings
    • Accept messages
    • Access to analytics reporting
    • Yearly subscription
  • Business ~ Ultimate Exposure
    • Business name
    • Business logo
    • Description about your business
    • Address with google map location
    • Contact Info
    • Link to your website
    • Listing categories
    • Region
    • Additional features such as pet friendly and more
    • Hours of operation
    • Cover image
    • Gallery images
    • Video
    • Social links
    • Collect reviews & ratings
    • Accept messages
    • Access to analytics reporting
    • Social media posts
    • Inclusion in promotional campaigns
    • Potential inclusion in blog articles
    • Yearly subscription